Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6

Yellow 1, W.Nr. 440190, Flown by Oberleutnant Alfred "Martello" Hammer, 6./JG 53, Vienna-Seyring/Austria, 12 February 1944

Alfred Hammer was born in Karlsruhe on 3 July 1921 and after gaining his Abitur joined the Luftwaffe, completing officer and pilot training at LKS 4 in Fürstenfeldbruck. After Jagdfliegerschule Werneuchen he was posted as Oberfähnrich to the Ergänzungsgruppe JG 53 in La Rochelle, France.

In November 1941, Lt. Hammer moved with II./JG 53 to the Mediterranean theatre and subsequently flew some 280 sorties from Comiso, Sicily. On 14 May 1942, Hammer crash-landed his damaged Bf 109 F-4 at Comiso following aerial combat over Malta with RAF Spitfires.

Hammer recorded his first victory on 25 October during his 271st combat mission, claiming a Spitfire over Malta. Following several months off the flight roster with jaundice, Hammer recorded his second victory during operations over Tunisia on 4 March 1943, claiming 2/Lt Harry Gasaway's 82nd FG P-38 shot down on his 299th combat mission.

During the final evacuation of Tunisia, Hammer flew out four of JG 53's ground crew in his Bf 109. On 10 July 1943, now operating from bases in Sicily, Hammer shot down a Spitfire for his sixth victory. However, he then suffered engine failure in his Bf 109 G-6 "White 14 + -" and made a forced landing southwest of Gerbini.

Leutnant Hammer was appointed Staffelkapitän of 6./JG 53 on 28 July 1943. On 20 August, II. and III./JG 53 were scrambled to intercept a formation of four-engine bombers with a strong fighter escort raiding Capua in Italy. In the subsequent combat, 14 USAAF P-38 twin-engine fighters were claimed by JG 53 pilots, including one by Hammer for his seventh victory.

From Italy, where he had acquired the nickname 'Martello' (Italian for 'hammer'), 'Alfredo' moved to Vienna-Seyring and was promoted to Oberleutnant operating in the Reichsverteidigung. On 7 January 1944 II./JG 53 were scrambled to counter a large formation of bombers raiding Vienna.

Its interesting to note that on this day, Alfred Hammer was visited by his beloved mother, and on a photo she was seen standing leaning towards the rear fuselage of his Messerschmitt.

Please note that this profile would be included in my next Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft book, Profile Book No 16. Time to get going.


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