My New Book was printed on 27 May

A very happy Publisher, myself holding a sheet of paper with the book cover and Johan the printer is checking some pages

Johan the printer is checking another 16 profile pages in the highest print and paper quality possible

My price for the book is: 45 Euro and 460 SEK

This book will shipped to pre-paying customers 18 June 2024

Order the book now Please go to My new webshop www.centurabooks.com

Or just contact me on e-mail: sundin@bjarenet.com

In all you will find more than 140 illustrations in this book, 130 profiles and captions, and with them some known pilots, most of them "Experten". All profiles in this book is new and never previously been published.

The publishing date is on 18 June, first I will start shipping out the books to all the pre-paying customers.

Included in the Profile Book No 14, the reader would find, Four Bf 109 A and B:s, 17 Bf 109 Emils, 27 Bf 109 Fs, 23 Bf 109 Gs, and another 13 late war Bf 109 Gs including K-4s. When it comes to the Focke Wulfs: 30 Fw 190 A-1 to A-8 would be included and seven Fw 190 Doras, another late war Fw 190 prototyp, one He 162, and another Me 163, This together with a Macchi 205. Finally, four Me 262 and a captured P-51B Mustang is included.

© Claes Sundin 2024