Here follows all reviews I have recived to date, the latest one top

Profile book no 14 is a perfect example of the professional work Claes and his colleagues have put into this volume. The individually colored profiles are presented as accurately as can be expected based on the information provided in the foreword by the author. The additional information regarding the individual profile including pilot information, color schemes etc. is of great value and gives the book an even more professional touch.


Received your book a week or two back. And as usual your new profile book 14 is very informative with excellent artwork and the very nice captions about the aircraft and the pilots, if known. I cannot imagine the amount of research that goes into each and every profile. All I know is that you are creating and preserving a history that is rapidly being forgotten. You are putting colour into the black and white images and the very few colour images that we may see in other publications. Just keep up the great work, as I use all your books as reference material when reading histories and the particular aircraft mentioned. The fact that I can cross reference the profiles with a pilot's other aircraft that he has flown (thanks to your handy reference pages at the beginning) is a bonus. Looking forward to your next publications. Many thanks,


What a great book! I was surprised to see that there are new profiles to find out. Package looks like a Christmas present. Book was in perfect condition. It was carried right to my mailbox which is almost unheard of nowadays. First five profiles were my favorite unit leaders and aces with their mounts in Spain and prewar Luftwaffe colours. This book contains detailed captions dealing with pilots who flew planes and unit history at the same time.


I've already taken a look and went over all the 130 profiles. I have to say "WOW"! The quality of your profiles is seemingly better with each new book you publish. What is also excellent are those detailed captions for each profile. I really like the historical context and pilot's stories. All in all - wonderful profiles, extensive captions, nice sharp personal insignias illustrations, index of all published books based on pilot name, pristine print, hard cover - another great book!

Alexandr/Czech Republic

« J'ai reçu le livre n°14 il y a moins d'une semaine et je ne me lasse pas de le parcourir. Fervent admirateur de Claes, je suis toujours émerveillé à chaque nouvelle parution. De magnifiques profils accompagnés de légendes passionnantes et instructives, qui sont un délice pour le vieux maquettiste que je suis. J'adore tout particulièrement le profil 77 d'un des avions de Karl-Heinz Weber que je cherchais vainement depuis des années. J'aimerais être plus vieux de quelques mois (ce qui n'est pas sérieux à mon âge) pour admirer le n°15 sur la JG52. Encore bravo et merci Claes. » Cheers

"I received book number 14 less than a week ago and I never tire of reading through it. A fervent admirer of Claes, I am always amazed at each new publication. Magnificent profiles accompanied by exciting and informative captions, which are a delight for the old modeler that I am. I particularly love the 77 profile of one of Karl-Heinz Weber's planes that I had been looking for in vain for years. I would like to be a few months older (which is not serious at my age) to admire the number 15 on the JG52. Well done again and thank you Claes. » Cheers


I received your new great book Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft No.14. The best of the best, again feasting my eyes. Lots of new profiles planes of pilots that I have not seen before. Sensationally new for me is Detlev Rohwer and your Fw-190A-3, as well as the great Horst Sternberg and his Fw-190A-2 with the amazing logo under the cockpit. I personally like the early versions of the Fw-190 and their units like JG-1, JG-2 and JG-26. Equally great are the Bf-109s, I see a great profile of the Bf-109G-6 on the "Bazi"Wiese, another Bf-109K-4 flown by Peter Werfft and many others. I highly recommend it to everyone, this book is really great. I am really looking forward to the next book No.15/ JG-52 in the fall of this year.

Ales/Czech Republic

I received yesterday your new book. Your work is great. It is hard to say, but I think, that new book is better then older one. Even older ones are fantastic also. New profile book is superb. High quality profiles. May new profiles of famous aces, which I have not seen before with intersting stories.

Ondrej/Czech Republic


I just picked up Profile Book No 14 to complete my collection. Again, a superb work with 130 detailed profiles. I especially descriptions which, with each book, are getting more and more detailed providing background on both the pilot and the aircraft depicted. My favorite in this volume: Gustav Frielinghaus' Bf-109 F-4. I am looking forward to the next volume!



Although it seems like a difficult task to me, Claes has once again managed to publish a book that improves on his superb previous books. The profiles are really good (in my opinion the best currently), the aircraft are almost "ready to take off" and with a couple of "surprises" of aircraft not manufactured in Germany. But the text part is more complete with each new book. Although they are aircraft profile books, they are really much more than that since the texts are truly exceptional. So yes, Claes has done it again. Kudos. So I'm already waiting for your book on "Experten of JG 52". I definitely recommend that you buy all of Claes' books and this Luftwaffe Profiles No. 14 in particular, because they are true gems.


Another series of works of art, full of very interesting captions.Compliments !!!


I just picked up Profile Book No 14 to complete my collection. Again, a superb work with 130 detailed profiles. I especially appreciate the descriptions which, with each book, are getting more and more detailed providing background on both the pilot and the aircraft depicted. My favorite in this volume: Gustav Frielinghaus' Bf-109 F-4. I am looking forward to the next volume! - Mike, from Belgium. "I have all of Claes books and I'm happy to report that this book is of the same quality as its predecessors. The illustrations are of impeccable quality and shows the research that has gone into the book. These books are a must for any Luftwaffe fan or aviation enthusiast"



The book did arrive, as usual. very fast and in perfect condition.
Regarding the quality of the profiles I can only re-iterate what has been stated by reviewers many times before: Each and every profile is unsurpassed regarding the attention, if not to say even addiction, to the smallest detail. The quality of the paper and the printing is truly exceptional. As in the previous books, the choice of subjects represents again a very nice mixture of aircraft types and periods. Also, the detailed captions are an extremely welcome feature. In a nutshell: Profile Book No. 14 is, like its predecessors, absolute world class and I am very much looking forward to the forthcoming titles!


I have just received Claes' new Profile Book No. 14. The format is well known to regular readers with profiles of Luftwaffe fighter aircraft in chronological order. The two exceptions are a captured P-51 B Mustang and a Macchi MC. 205. The book begins with the Bf 109 V4 flown by Hannes Trautloft in Spain 1936 and ends with a Me 262 A-1a flown from Czechoslovakia to Germany on 8 May 1945. In between there are 128 profiles of aircraft flown by well known pilots such as Gerhard Barkhorn, Walter Nowotny and Josef Priller but also by lesser known and even unknown pilots. The quality of the profiles and the attention to detail are simply outstanding. The much expanded captions are very imformative. Modellers will find the references to RLM colors most helpful. In addition, many of the references can be used to interpret profiles in earlier books. There is also an updated index covering the eight Luftwaffe profile books published by Centura Publishing up to now. My personal favorite is the Bf 109 K-4 flown by Joachim Brendel in 1945 which is a rare bird indeed. Highly recommended to all! Finally, Claes has announced that profile book No. 15, i.e. the JG 52 book, will be published in October this year. October just can't come soon enough!


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