Triple Chevron G9+AA
of the Stab./NJG 1, flown by Oberstlt. Hans-Joachim Jabs, Husum/Germany,
20/21 February 1945
it was in this machine that Jabs claimed his last two abschüssen
of the war, his 49th and 50th. On this night Bomber Command dispatched
1,283 bombers, primarily against targets around the Ruhr. As
the Ruhr area was covered in clouds the searchlight defenses
aided the Nachtjägers above by illuminating the clouds from
below, thus silhouetting the four- engine bombers. At least seven
RAF bombers were shot down by the defenders, all victims of NJG
1 and NJG 2. When the war ended, Hans-Joachim Jabs had 28 night
and 22 day air victories under his belt, amassed in 710 combat
sorties. This Bf 110 G-4 was flown on the 1st of May from Lüneburg
to neutral Sweden. On board were two escapees, Uffz. König
and Fw. Hrachowina. Both were German service men, and although
of Estonian and Czechoslovakian nationality, they were allowed
to stay in Sweden after being registered as "civilian refugees".
This is a rare late production machine equipped with the latest
FuG 218 V/R Neptun AI radar with associated tail-warning radar.
It also had the device Revi 16N gunsight on the canopy, and the
straight-style Eberspächer exhaust flame dampeners. |