14 July, during this week I have been making panzer IV:s for my new panzer book. In all I have to date made 20 profiles, close to a third of the panzers included in the new book. Next week I will make the last of this type and then get going on the Panzer III. 28 july, I have taken som time off from my profile-making during the last week, however today I will make the last and tenth Panzer IV for the new book, a J subtype from 3rd Panzer Division. 4th of August. All Panzer IV is by now made. The next panzer in line is the Panther, starting with an IR equipped version. 11th August, During the week I have manage to make six Panther and two Panzer IIIs for the book. One of the new panzers made is the "White 100" from 1.Pz.Abt.18, from 18th Pz.Div, (please note that this is not the final version of White 100). 18th August, I have manage to make another three Panzer III, three Panthers, and one Jagdpanther four Tigers I, including the Tiger I S20 below from Panzerregiment "Grossdeutschland", (please note that this is not the final version of S20). 25th August, last week I have made an additional six Panthers, including 703 below and five Tiger I for my upcoming panzer book. Next week I will do the final originals, in all 12 more panzer profiles, (please note that this is not the final version of 703). 1st September, This week I have made eight new pazer profiles for the upcoming book, Six Stug IIIs, one Panhter and finally one Tiger II. Next week I will finish the profile work by making five additional panzers. Thereafter I'm ready to write the profile captions. Please check out one of the StuG IIIs made below. 8th September, Finally all panzer profiles is made including some 10 made by me earlier that I have been updated, in all 64 profiles. The newly made panzers made during the week incudes four Tiger IIs One Tiger I and two Panthers. One of the Tiger IIs that was made is 502 below. 15th September, I have been working on the headers for the 64 panzer captions, trying to figure out what unit, time and place for each end every profile, by others. 22nd September, I have been working on the captions for the 64 panzers 1ncluded in the book, placing them in time order. 27th September, Its my birthday today, so I'm of for another researchtrip to Germany, back to the grid after 7th October . Cheers! 8th October, I'm back from a really interesting trip to Germany, by others planning new book prodjects. After clear my desk I will get going on the captions for the new panzer book, unfortunatly due to the much longer and more into depth texts in this book I have to delay the publishing date to late November early December. Sorry for that! 20th October, during the week I have collected information for the profile captions. 17 November, Due to a bottle-neck at my printer there will be no Panzer book before Christmas, I'm really sorry for that as I know there are quite a few customers out there who has been waiting for this publications for a while now. However this would make the end product even better as it should give me some more time working on the finished product. My plan is to print the book in late January and to publish the book during March 2020. 24 November, Wow I have found a great looking Panther G from the fighting in Kurland durig the Summer of 1944. A Panzer that I simply have to make and to incude in this book. 1 December, during the week I have also manage to make a new Panther G for the book, the one mentioned last week. A MAN built Panzer from Pz.Rgt. 25, 7. Pz.Div. Althoug now with 65 profiles I guess I will increase the format of the book to fit all made panzers. 5 January, I have during the last week updated three Panzer profiles and my plan is to start writing the profile captions during this month. 12 January, I have updated some of the Panzer profiles this week. I will start writing the captions for the later next week. 28 January, I currently working flat out refining my Tiger I profiles for the book. To assist me in this work I have the world´s leading expert in the field, David Byrden. 9 February, I have during this week working on my Panzer book, specifically the Tiger Is. Today I made the last updates and are now gering up for writing the captions. 16. February, the final updates was made to my originals today, please check out the Tiger I below. 22. February, As I have been off work as a teacher this week, what we here in Sweden call "Sports Holiday" I have been able to write 40 captions for the Panzer book. Give me three more weeks and the book will be finished and ready for printing. 2 March, during the last week I have started to write the camouflage chapter for the book. I have also manage to write an additional eleven panzer captions and update all my Panther originals, in all 22 panzerst 8 March, during the week I have finally made all 65 panzer captions that should be included in the book. I have also started to make the units crest illustrations for each and every profile. 15 March, during the week I have been working on the layout of the book, making half of the profile pages. The book will be printed on 31 March, and from this date any cusomer could preorder the book. This date an invitation for a pre-order would be sent out to all my customers. I will start to deliver the book on 28 April 2020. 22 March, The book is by now more or less ready for printing, just some last refiemets and editing. 29 March, The book is afer the last editing now ready for printing, on Tuesday 31 March the book will be printed with me controlling the printed quality at the printer. Photos from the printing-procass will follow on that date on myn website. 30 March, The book original is now delivered to the printer. Please check out the bookcover of the book below. Check also out the final version of Tiger 411. 31 March. Unfortunatly the printing house have contacted me, informing me that due to ilness there would not be any printing of my book today. They are however working hard to resolve the matter and hopfully the book will be printed in the days that follows and that the delivery date is still fixed. 5 April, A New date is set for the printing of the book. I will attend the printing on Tuesday the 7th. Despite the delay the printing house has assured me that the the book would be ready for delivery on the 28th of April. 7 April, the book was printed today, It is looking just great! 12 April, Now is the time for pre-ordering the new Panzer book. Please support my publishing business and place an order. 26 April, although the book-binder have had some problems I will get delivery of the book from the printer two days from now, on 28 April. I will start to ship out the book on this day to pre-ordering customers. 28 April, Today I started to delvier the book to my pre-order customers. |
This is one of the refined profile, updated this week for the new panzer book. This Tiger I from LSSAH was updated thanks to the support of the Tiger I expert David Byrden. |
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