As told earlier, on this day the 4th FG suffered disastrous and experienced the highest losses of any American fighter group during the D-Day, with seven pilots killed, two captured and one evading. The last mission of the day would be the worst for the 4th FG when some 50 P-51 led by Lt.Col. Donald J Blakeslee took of from Debden at around 19:00 hours. A section from 4th FG was later bounced by 10 Fw 190s out of the cloud cover at 20.30 near Rouen. The composite formation of German fighters that hit the 4th FG came from JG 2 and 2./JG 26 and was led by the Kommandeur of III./JG 2 Hauptmann Herbert Huppertz. In the following battle four P-51s was shot down, with the loss of Lt. Bernard McGrattan, Lt Cecil Garbey, Lt. Harold Ross and F/O Walter Smith. Later the gaggle of Luftwaffe fighters catched up with the commander and ace, Maj. Winslow M. Sobanski flying in "The Deacon" above, and his wing man Lt. Edward J. Steppe, flying in "Turnip Termite". Both was shot down and KIA in their machines near Dreux. To name the german pilots that shot down this two pilots would be speculative, however the following JG 2 pilots claimed a P-51 during this clash: Hauptmann Herbert J. Huppertz, Stab III./JG 2, His final claim of a total of six abschusse this day for a total of 70. Fähnrich Fritz Beer, Stab I./JG 2, His first victory, he is known to have claimed a total of two abschusse, both P-51 Mustangs. Fähnrich Hans-Joahchim Voormann 12./JG 2, His second victory, he is known to have claimed a total of three abschusse before listed as MIA on 25 July 1944. Uffizier Karl Biehlolawek 12./JG 2, His first and only known victory. Leutnant Erich Fischer I./JG 2, His first and only known victory. Unfortunatly I have not found any photo-documentation of any of the German pilots Fw 190s. However a Fw 190 A-7 from April flown by Herbert J. Huppertz would be published in profile book No 10, my next profile book. To be published soon. |
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