I'm currently working on a new Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft book, Profile Book No 10. Up to today I have manage to make around 140 new profiles, fighters that would portray new stunning aircraft flown by pilots such as Mölders, Priller, Graf, Nordmann, Mayer, Barkhorn, Lutzow, Kemp, Maltzahn, von Bonin, Marsielle, Grislawski, Philipp, Huppert, Buhligen, Oesau, Huy, Bear, Gollob, Lasse, Hackl, Ostermann, Thyben, Reschke, Trautloft and many more including some lesser know ace flown machines. 24 November, during the week I have manage to make 13 new aces flown fighter-profiles for the book. 11 Bf 109s flown by the pilots: Schlick, Fahrenberger, Galland, Stolle, Mölders, Trautloft, Phillip, Stoeber, Döbrich, Höfemaier and Reschke. I have also made two very early Fw 190s flown by Vogt and Kosse. 1 December, Another 13 aces flown Luftwaffe fighter profiles was made for the book during the week. This include eight Bf 109s and five Fw 190s, fighters flown by the following pilots: Müncheberg, Hahn, Schwientek, Werfft, Linz, Clade, Stotz, Josten, Brönnle, Semelka, another Kosse, Weissenberger and Lignitz. 8 December, I have made 14 new fighter profiles for the book during the week, in all 6 Fw 190s and 8 Bf 109s, fighters that was flown by the followning pilots: Schwartz, Schade, Bartels, Ruppert, Nieliger, Horten, Bertram, Schentke, Düsing, Händel, Heinzeller, Rudorffer, Nowak and Pöhs. 15 December, I have made 10 late war Luftwaffe fighters this week, this include four Bf 109s, Two Dora-9s, one Fw 190 A, Two Me 262s and one Do 335. This would be the last profiles made of the 130 that I will included in my new book. 22 December, All 130 profiles for the book is now made, in fact I have an additional 136 in the pipeline for another Luftwaffe Fighters in Profile book... I have also started to write the captions for this book, making around twenty this week. However now its time to take some time off, spending quality time with my family, Hope you will do the same, Merry Christmas to you all! 29 December. After a great Chrismas Its now time for me to get going writing some more profiles captions for the book. 5 January, After updating some profiles for the book I have continued to write profile captions, finishing of my fortieth today, just 90 more to go! 12 January, today the 60 captions was made for the book. I will make five more before I start writing the captions for the Panzer Book III. 9 February, I have during the last three weeks working on my Panzer book. So there has not been no time for any work on profilebook no 10. 22 June. I have dicided to postpone the publishig date for this book until earliest August 2020. Much due to the fact that the postal services here in Sweden is incapable (due to the pandemic) to deliver my books to all my customers around the world. However to keep me occupied I have started working on another Luftwaffe Fighter in Profile book, Book No 11, now with 51 new stunning profiles for the book made to date. 28 June, During the week I have been working on Book No 11 making nine additional profiles for the book, including Haupt. Wilhelm Balthasars Bf 109 F-2 posted on my website today. 5 June, Last week I have been tied up in work with my forthcoming profile book No 11 making 13 additional Luftwaffe fighters. With over 70 pofiles made for his book I will make another 17 profiles before I get going on the rest of captions for book No 10. One of the profiles made during this period was Oblt. Pufahls Bf 109 F-4/Z trop published here on my website in a rather low resolution. 12 June, This week we here in the southern part of Sweden has been hit by typical summer weather, cold, 15 degrees and clouds with plenty of rain, by other words a fantastic holiday wether for sitting inside making aircraft profiles..... one of the 12 profiles made, including two Bf 109 Fs, nine Bf 109 G-2s and one Bf 109 G-6 is the G-2 flown by Herbert Rollwage published today on the website. I guess this profile would be included in my Profile Book No 11. 18 June. up to Friday I had made eight Bf 109 G-6 for one of my upcoming books, one of the profiles is the machine of Friedrich "Fritz" Ungar published for the first time on this website. 28 June. After a short vacation I´m back for more writig and profile making. 2 August. Due to the pandemic and the postal services inability to deliver my books quickly to all my customers around the world I will postpone the Publishing date for this book until the fall of 2020. 16 August, As the progress with profile book No 11 is going very well my plan is to start working on the rest of the captions in two weeks time. Planned publishing date for this book would be in October. A book definitely worth waiting for! 23 August, next week I will start to write the last 65 profile captions for this book. In all this profile book No 10 would include: 85 Bf 109s, 36 Fw 190s, five Me 262s and one each of the Me 163s, He 162 and the Ta 152, most of them flown by Luftwaffe Experten and alte Hasen. 30 August, this week I have updated all my Bf 109 Emils but also started to write the last 65 captions for this book. More caption writing would follow during the next week. 6 September, Unfortunatly, there has been no time during the week for this book, instead I have been working on my Panzer book No III a book that should be published as the second edition soon. 13 September. During the week I have take my time to check all the profiles that will be included in the book and update quite a few of them. At the same time I have made six new profiles for upcoming books, including Willi Salinger Bf 109 G-6/AS published today in a wery low resolution. 20 September, I must confess, I´m hit by a profile making frenzy, 11 new profiles made this week. I simply cant stop.... althoug knowing I have to start to write the rest of the captions for profile book No 10. 27 September, during this week I have made an additional 10 new profies, all flown by known or lesser known aces. 4 October, this week I have updated all my early Fw 190s that should be included in profile book No 10, 11 and 12. I also manage to make ten additiona profiles, nine of them Fw 190s rom JG 1, JG 2 and JG 26, including Addi Glunz Fw 190 A-2 published here today. 11 October, I have decided there will
be no more new books published by me during year 2020, 18 October, the weekly production of profiles amounted to nine new profiles and one updated old one, in all I made one Fw 190 A-8, five Fw 190 D, two Bf 109 Emils and two Bf 109 Fs, including the machine flown by Oblt. Egon Mayer. All profiles made would be published in my Profile Book No 12. 25 October, Enough is enough, I have to force myself to quit making profies and start to write the profile captions for book No 10. So after nine new profile this week, including Lt. Grossfuss Fw 190 A-6 I will make three additinal Dora-nines next week and finally get going on the captions. 1 November, During the last week I made three more Fw 190 Doras, thereafter I got going on the captions for book No 10, manage to make 15 profile texts. Hopefully 20 more will follow during the next week, that is to say making my hundred captions for this book. 8 November, I have manage to make an additional 21 captions for the this book last week. That is to say, 29 more to go. 15 November, the end is closing in fast, as I have made an additional 19 profile texts, that is to say next week I just have to write an additonal 10 captions to finish this work. 22 November, all captions for book No 10 is by now written. Now I will write the book chapter and my foreword. 29 November, This week I have made 10 additional profiles for Profile book No 12, that is to say to this date I have made 95 Luftwaffe fighter profiles for this book, just 35 more to go! 10 January 2021, after making an additional six profiles for book No 12 I will during the following weeks write the chapter about the Luftwaffe fighter pilots, a chapter that will be included in this book, Profilel book No 10. 17 January 2021, The chapter about the Luftwaffe fighter pilots is now written and edited. At the same time around 30 % of my profile captions is also edited. 24 January, 80% of the profile captions are by now edited. I have also manage to make some illustrations for the book, beside the nine Luftwaffe fighter profiles made during the week. Next week I will start to write my foreword and to get going on the layout. 31 January, this books is by now made and ready for the printer. So within two weeks from now it is printed. All my old customers would then be invited to pre-order this book, my best to date! 7 February, after a week of editing and updating a few profies the book is ready to be sent over to the printer. And on Tuesday 9 February I will monitor the priting process of the Profile Book No 10. Later that day I will update my website with photos of the printing of the book. Later the same day I will send an invitation to all my old customers so they could pre-order this book. 14 February, out of my controll the printing of my book was pospone for a week. That is to say this bok will finally be printed on Tuesday 16 February. Keep your finest crossed, I surly will! After I had monitor the priting process of the Profile Book No 10 I will later that day update my website with photos of the printing. Later the same day I will send an invitation to all my old customers so they could pre-order this book. 21 February, A week full of work, first the printing and then contacting all my customers, inviting them to pre-order this book, sending out invoices and much more. So far over 130 books has been ordered during five days since the printing, really good and not bad at all, however I really hope the sales would pick up during the weeks that follows. 28 February, During the week I have been handeling incoming orders for the book. The printer had promised me deliver on the 12th or latest on 15th of March. This is the dates I will start shipping the pre-ordered and pre-payed books to my customers. 7 March. A week from now I will start to ship out the books to pre-ordering customers. If you have not order your own copy yet, please file your order now! 10 March. Tody the book was delivered and the first books was shipped of to pre ordering customers. 14 March. Deliveries of the book is now in full swing. I have also recived the first review. |
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