I'm currently working on a new Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft book, Profile Book No 11. Up to today I have manage to make around 100 new profiles for this book, fighters that would portray new stunning aircrafts that was flown by well known pilots as well as lesser known. Planned publishing date would be during the spring of 2021. 2 August. I have manage to make an additional three new profiles and refined another six (unpublished) earlier profiles to my latest standard. All will be included in this profile book No 11. 9 August, Ten more profiles this week. Two Me 262s, two Bf 109 K-4s including the machine from 10./JG 53 published here today and finally six Bf 109 G-10s, all made for book No 11. 16 August. during the week I have made an additional 12 profiles for this book, Two Bf 109 G-6/AS, one Bf 109 G-14, three Bf 109 G-14/AS, one Bf 109 G-10 and one Bf 109 K-4, also one Fw 190 A-6, two Fw 190 A-8s including the Stab JG 301 machine published tody...and one Dora-nine. That is to say I have just 10 more profiles to make to fill the 130 profile pages in this book. This would be fixed during the next week, Yeaa! 23 August. This week I have made 14 new profiles for the book, and updated another seven. That is to say that some of the previously made profiles have been replaced by others, some of them exchanged by more interesting subjects, and others partly due to the ability to write more interesting captions to them. One of the newly made "exchange"profiles is Oblt. Ludwig Franziskets Bf 109 E-7 published on this site. In all this profile book No 11 would include: 89 Bf 109s, 29 Fw 190s, six Me 262s, four Me 163s and one each of a He 162 and the Mc 205, most of them flown by Luftwaffe Experten and alte Hasen. 20 September, I must confess, I´m hit by a profile making frenzy, 11 new profiles made this week. I simply cant stop.... by others making the Bf 109 F-4 flown by Dr. Helmut Frenzl on 28 October 1942, published on my webside today. 27 September, during this week I have made an additional 10 new profies, all flown by known or lesser known aces. Most of them would be included in profile Book No 11 and 12. 4 August, this week I have updated all my early Fw 190s that should be included in profile book No 10, 11 and 12. I also manage to make ten additiona profiles, nine of them Fw 190s rom JG 1, JG 2 and JG 26. 11 October, I have decided there will
be no more new books published by me during year 2020, 18 October, the weekly production of profiles amounted to nine new profiles and one updated old one, in all I made one Fw 190 A-8, five Fw 190 D, two Bf 109 Emils and two Bf 109 Fs, including the machine flown by Oblt. Egon Mayer. All profiles made would be published in my Profile Book No 12. 25 October, Enough is enough, I have to force myself to quit making profies and start to write the profile captions for book No 10. So after nine new profile this week, including Lt. Grossfuss Fw 190 A-6 I will make three additinal Dora-nines next week and finally get going on the captions. 1 November, During the last week I made three more Fw 190 Doras for book No 12. Thereafter I got going on the captions for book No 10, manage to make 15 profile texts. Hopefully 20 more will follow during the next week. 15 November, my plan is to start working on this book after christmas, when book 10 is finished. 29 November, This week I have made 10 additional profiles for Profile book No 12, that is to say to this date I have made 95 Luftwaffe fighter profiles for this book, just 35 more to go! 8 August 2021, finally, during the week I have started to write the books captions, 17 was written this week. 15 August, by writing my 55th caption this day, the last one, please checkout Litjens G-4 and read that caption. Althoug not really tweaked yet fixing by others my Swenglish, read it anyway and hopefully you could enjoy it! 22 August, by writing my 90th caption this day, the last one, please checkout Mays Fw 190 A-2 and read that caption. Althoug not really tweaked yet, fixing by others my Swenglish, read it anyway and hopefully you could enjoy it! The book will be printed on12 October, the day I also would send out a pre-order invitation to all my old customers. 30 August, today I wrote my 130 caption today, threreby all captions for book no 11 is written. The I woll for the first tme write an index and after that my foreword. 31 August, today I have started to work on the layout of the book by others making the bookcover. 5 September, 40% of the layout of the book is by now made. 12 September, 100% of the layout of the book is by now made, including my first INDEX. Now its all about proof reading the captions. 19 September, during the week beside making four new profies, including two flown by H-J Marseille the book has been proof read. 27 September, beside celebrating my birthday today I will continue to proofread the manuscript of this book. I guess this work will be done by the end of this week. 3 October, the final proofreading of the manuscript. The book will be sent to the printer on 7 October, and during the following week it would be printed on 12 October. That day would also be the day for pre-ordering this book. A posting and invitation would then follow. 10 October, the book is by now ready and shipped of to the printer. Due to be printed on 12 October, an update will be done this day including an invitation to all my old customers to pre-order the new book. During the week I have not manage to make any additional Luftwaffe profiles, insted I have done the last proofreading of the book and made an additional 12 new German panzers. 12 October, the book is by now printed and it looks just great! Pre-ordering has started today, just order this book on my web-shop. 17 October, the pre-ordering sales of the book is going really god. I will start ship the bok to my customers early November when the book has been delivered to me from the printer. 24 October. Most of the week I have been working with new book orders for this book. I have also been promised a small shipment of the book already on Friday 29th, in time for the next weekend, and the annual Swedish model fair, the C-4 open. My plan is to present the book at this event, as a World Premiere! 28 October, The book was delivered from the printer. The first shipments was also made this day to pre-ordering an paying customer of mine. 29 October, I continued to ship the new profile book, more will be deliverd on Monday when I am backfrom the annual IMPS meeting and model fair in Malmö, C-4 Open. Perhaps I see you there! |
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