I'm currently working on a new Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft book, Profile Book No 12. Up to today I have manage to have made 85 new profiles for this book, fighters that would portray new stunning aircrafts that was flown by well known pilots as well as lesser known. Planned publishing date would be during the spring of 2022. 29 November, This week I have made 10 additional profiles for Profile book No 12, that is to say to this date I have made 95 Luftwaffe fighter profiles for this book, just 35 more to go! 6 December, This week I have made another 10 profiles for Profile book No 12, that is to say to this date I have made 105 Luftwaffe fighter profiles for this book, including Obfw. Ernst Schulze´s Bf 109 F-4 published today. 13 December, beside the two Chuck Jeager P-51 profiles made published here, I have manage to make an additional four aces fown Bf 109s and Fw 190s for this book, profie book No 12. 20 December- This week I have manage to make four new profiles , all JG 54 machines, three flown by Oblt. Ostermann including the two published on this site today. 27 December, well I just manage to make an additional three profiles this week, including the rather well know and well documented Bf 109 G-6 flown by Uffz. Reimer published today. 3 January 2021. During the week I have made an additional six profiles. 10 January, This week I have made six new profiles and updated som old ones, incuding the Dora nine from JG 2, original made in 2012 that are now updated to my latest standard. So by now I have only less than a handfull of profiles to make for book No 12 and to reach the 130 total. Therefor I will stop making aditional profiles and instead start writing the chapter about the Luftwaffe fighter pilots for profile book No 10. 24 january, With an aditional nine Lufwaffe Fighter profiles made this week I have made over 400 new profiles for my upcoming three new books. One of the new profiles made for book No 12 is the Bf 109 F-2 flown by Lt. Karl Boos, published today on my website. 6 February 2022, The Graf Bf 109 F-4 profile published today is one of 20 new profiles that I have during the week have included in the 130 profile layout of Profile Book No 12. I have picked some of the 50 plus profiles made during the last months, thereby making the collection of profiles more interesting, both when it comes to profile subjects but also when it comes to writing much more interesting captions for this new book. 8 March 2022, Profile book No 12 could unfortunately not be published during this month, March 2022. There are two reasons for this, firstly my many other commitments, including my regular job. I also don't want to rush the work and instead secure the highest quality of my captions. The book is therefor postpone two months to May 2022. I really hope that you my customer could accept the facts, and have patience enough to whait for my best book, profile Book No 12. As my old customs knows, an invitation of pre-order of the book would be sent as soon as the book have been printed. 13 March, During the week I have finisched off my 20th captions for this book, looking great so far! 20 March, During the week I have made additional 27 profile captions, therby finisched off my 47th captions for this book, looking really great so far! 27 March, During the week I have made additional 27 profile captions, therby finisched off my 74th captions for this book, my timescedule is thereby on track! 3 April 2022, By makning an additional 30 profile captions for the book I have now made a total of 104 captions. That is to say 26 more to go during the next week before all of the 130 is made! 11 April 2022, By now all profile captions is written and 60 % of the layout of the book is made. The rest of the layout, including the new book cover presented here would be made during the following week. 17 April 2022, By now the book is made. Now me and my team is proof reading all of my texts and the profile captions. 24 April 2022. We are stil working with editing of the captions. However the paper issue is by now settled and the book will be printed on 10 May, the same day I will send out an invitation to all my old customers for pre-ordering of this book.ß 1 May 2022. The editing of the book is now in its final stage. The book will be printed on 10 May and is to be shipped to pre-ordering customers in late May. 8 May 2022. A date to remember, and a sunny warm day here in the southern part of Sweden. This day I shipped over the last fixes to the manuscript to the printer. Please check up the updade on this webpage on Tuesday 10 May, the day of the printing of the book, and the day of my invitation for pre-ordering this Profilebook, Book No 12. 15 May, The pre-orderings of the book is rolling in from custumers all around the world. And from a publishers perspective it looking great. So please keep rolling on, and order this new book from me! 22 May, Just nine more days before I will start to deliver this new book to pre-ordering customers around the world. 29 May, Just two days before I start to ship out the book to pre-ordering customers. As a teaser I have published one of the profiles wih its caption included in this book, the profile No 63, a Bf 109 G-6 trop flown by Oblt. Günther Hannak, 7./JG 27. 31 May, The book was today delivered from the printer. I also started to ship it out to pre-ordering customers. 5 June, The first cusomers have now recived their copy of the book, reviews will soon be posted on this, my website. |
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