8 August, I'm currently working on a new Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft book, Profile Book No 13. Up to today I have manage to have made 130 new profiles for this book, fighters that would portray new stunning aircrafts that was flown by well known pilots as well as lesser known. Planned publishing date 8 May, as the Profile Book No 12 is finished, I went through the 130 profiles that should be included in this book, just for starting up this new project. More information would follow! 11 December, This week's most important work has been to decide which profiles should be included in profile book No. 13. Based on the 260 profiles I made for books 13 and 15, some relocations have been made, so that aircraft types, pilots and various units are now evenly distributed between the books. Unfortunately, I noticed that some duplicates and old fighters had crept in, which meant that I had five more profiles to do to reach the total of 260 profiles. One of the newly made profiles was the machine, an Fw 190 A-8 flown by Uffz. Ernst Schröder. In all Book No 13 would include: 21 Bf 109 Es, 29 Bf 109 Fs, 33 Bf 108 Gs, 5 Bf 109 Ks, 3 Me 163s, 4 Me 262s, one He 162, one Mc 205, 23 Fw 190 As, 8 Fw 190 Ds, one Ta 152 and finally one P-51 Mustang. 5 January 2023, finally I have strated to write the captions for this boo, starting with the Bf 109 E profiles. Hopefully this work would be finished by mid February. I wich you all a Happy New Year! 8 January, Finally I got going on the capptions for this book, check out one of the first, the one of Marseilles Bf 109 E-7 "Gelb 6". 15 January, in all I have up today written all 20 Bf 109 Emil captions and another seven Bf 109 Filip captions, in all 27 texts, just 103 more to go! 22 January, Today I have just finisched of my 51st caption for the book, including all 29 Bf 109 F captions. Starting working on the first Bf 109 Gs, including the caption of H H Schmidts Bf 109 G-2 "Yellow 10", provisional of cause as it would be tweated later. Just 79 more captions to go! 29 January, Today I have just finisched of my 76th caption for the book, all acording to plan. Threby I have made all Bf 109 Gs ut to the G-6. And today I started working on the first Fw 190 A caption. Today I will post the Bf 109 G-4 Pöttgen profile and the caption that I made during the week. So by now I have just 54 more captions to make! 5 Fenruary, Today I have just finished of my 105th profile caption, that of an Ta 152 H-1. A head of scedule with just 25 late war machines left to make this all results in that profile Book No 13 beeing published earlier then expected, at least a month earlier, lets say in mid April! Great News for sure. 12 February, This day I have made the 25th and final of the130 profile caption for book No 13. One of the caption written during the week was that of Werner Merz and his Dora-nine. Now I will get going on the layout as the book will be printed early April. 19 February, During the week I have been working with the layout of this book, finished around half of the book by now. I have also test a new caption layout that enable a better reading experiance. 26 February. The layout of the book is now made, the only things left now is the proofreading the foreword and the captions. In all you will find more than 140 illustrations, 130 profiles, and with them some know pilots, most of them "Experten". All profile in this book is new and never previously been published. The well known Jagdwaffe pilots that is included in this book is: Adolf Galland, Wilhelm Balthasar, Dietrich Hrabak, Victor Bauer, Friedrich Wachowiak, Hubert Mütherich, Hans-Joachim Marseille. Eduard Neumann, Heinrich Klöpper, Heinz Lange, Hans Beisswenger, Alfred Heckmann, Karl Heinz Kempf, Otto Kittel, Erwin Leykauf, Johannes Steinhoff, Hans Philipp, Hans Trautloft, Kurt Brändle, Max-Helmuth Ostermann, Leopold Steinbatz, Hans Hahn (2 profiles), Hermann Graf, Herbert Rollwage, Ernst-Wilhelm Reinert, Heinrich Ehrler, Günther Rall, Walther Oesau, Heinz Bär, Rudolf Opitz, Josef Zwernemann, Walter Nowotny, Walter Loos, Oskar Romm and Wilhelm Heilmann. But also lesser know lesser known pilots like: Fredrich Eberle, Hans-Karl Keitel, Reinhold Schmetzer, Hans-Peter Krug Richard Leppla, Walter Blume, Franz Eckerle, Hans Ohly, Max Ibel, Franz Fiby, Walter Köhne, Walter Seiz, Horst Buddenhagen, Deiter Lüth, Alexander von Winterfeldt, Wilhelm Strakeljahn, Heinz Küpper, Herbert Schramm, Wilhelm Stratmann, Peter Bremer, Waldemar Semelka, Johann Niederhörer, Karl-Heinz Bendert, Günther Hannak, Erich Gerlitz, Franz Schwaiger, Kuno Dollenmeier Otto Kleinert, Franz Stigler, Siegfried Rudschinat, Friedrich Geisshardt, Heribert Hufnagl, Heinz Lüdemann, Fritz Liebelt, Lothar Werner, Hans Stroinigg, Karl Willius, Wolfgang Ernst, Manfred Lotzmann, Johann Halfmann, Friedrich Karch, Eugen Kurz, Werner Thielen, Rainer Pöttgen, Alfred Keinath, Rudolf Mayer, Rainer Adolph, Hans-Hermann Schmidt, Hans-Werner Renzow, Herbert Christmann, Friedrich Ungar, Franz Gärtner, Hans Jüppner, Franz Stadler, Eugen-Ludwig Zweigart, Otto Russ, Wolfgang Ohr, Leo Bigalke, Wilhelm Salinger, Traugott Baumann, Konrad Schiebeler, Hubert Engst, Werner Merz, Alfred Schreiber, Hans Sander, Hans Dahmen, Wilhelm Ade, Heinz Halstrick, Wolfgang Dietrich, Heinz Gomann, Heinz Lüpertz, George Seckel, Werner Zober, Willy van de Kamp and Günther Engler. To this I have made an additional three profiles just for fun, all aces flown Bf 109 Fs. One of them is pubished today, a Bf 109 F-2 flown by Hauptmann Walter "Gulle" Oesau. Who knows in what profile book they all would be included in, your guess is as good as mine! 5 March. During the week I have togeter with my crew been working with the captions and mounted them into the book document. I have also set the date for the printing of the book, on 29 march. This day all my old customer would also recive an invitation for pre-ordering profile book No 13. 12 March, I have been working on the pilot captions and the layout, mostly editing. I have also manage to make eight new profiles, profiles for upcoming books. One of them, He 162 M23 prototype is published today. 19 March, The books final captions woud soon be edited and mounted in the layout. At the same time I have made an additional nine profiles during the week, including the fw 190 A-7 Flown by lt. Otto Bach published today. 26 March, Three new profiles made this week, however a more importand issue is that I have I have layed my last hand on this book, the book that was delivered to the printer this Friday. And on Wednesday 29 march the book will finally be printed. As I have promised an invitation for a pre-order wil folow later that day. Now its time to geaar up for the next bok prodject. 2 April, It has been a hectic week, first the printing the book and then taking care of all the pre-orders that har been arriving from all around the world. Thanks alot! 16 April, During the week I was informed that the book will be deliverd to me on 24 April. That is to say that all of my customers who have pre-order this book should have thier books shipped during 24 and 25 April. 23 April, tomorrow on 24 April I will start shipping out all pre- ordered and pre-payed books to my cosumers. I really look forwad to see the new book, I hope that you all do the same! 24 April, today after the book was deliverd from the printer I started to send the pre-ordered books to my customers. |
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