7 November, I have by now started to work on a new Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft book, Profile Book No 14. Along time prodject that will take me more than two years to complete. Much due to the fact that to the fact that I have to be out searchng for new intersting profile subjects. Two of the interesting profile subjects was during this week turned into new profile, Günther Seeger G-6 published today and a Bf 109 F-4 flown by Leutnant Hermann Graf. 14 August 2022, after finished the 75th profile for this book this week. Most of Luftwaffe fighter profiles made during the last two weeks was flown on the Eastern Front. Profile material found thanks to new photos that was to be found in Priens jagdwaffe book series, specific book No 15/I. 22 August, during the week I have manage to make another seven profiles, mostly Eastern flown fighters, most of them would be included in Profile Book No 15. 28 August, during the week I have only manage to make an additonal three profiles for the book, Two Fw 190 A-8s and one Bf 109 G-10 from JG 27. 11 September, with the profile made two weeks ago and the seven made this week, eight new profiles have been made for this book, like Ehrlers Bf 109 E-7 "Weisse 2". 18 September, four additional profiles was made during the week, On Dora nine, that of Hanusch machine published today, together with one Me 163, One Bf 109 F-2 and finally One Bf 109 Emil, a profile that I will be able to make both a righ and a left hand side profile, one of the few! 25 September, five additional profiles was made for thus book during the week, the laft hand side profile of a Emil, one Bf 109 G-10, one more Me 163, one Bf 109 E-7 and finally one Bf 109 F-2. 2 October, during the week I have manage to make another eight profiles, two Fw 190s and six Bf 109s. One of the Fe 190s was the machine published today, the Fw 190 A-8 flown by Uffz. Dietrich from JG 5. 9 October, during the week filled with outher work I have just manage to make three additional profiles for the book No 15, one of them a Bf 109 G-10/AS, Black 21 is published today Sunday. 16 October, During this week I have been occupied with comissioned work for anther publisher and have not been able to make any additinal profile for this book. 23 October, Four more profiles was made during the week, two He 162s, one Bf 109 G-2 trop and a Fw 190 A-4 flown by Uffz. Walter Lühs, the profile published today. 31 October, three profiles was made during the weekend, one of them was Wickops Fw 190 A-5y. 6 November, during the week I have made an additional eight new profiles and another four profiles that I have updated. One of the new profiles is the Bf 109 E-3 of Lt. Berhard Malischewski from Stab/JG 76. 13 November, not a sigle profile has been made for this book during the week. Instead I have been occopied with making the Messerschmitt Me 210 into a profile, five made in all and surly they would be published in a forthcoming book. 20 November, In all I have made three profies this week, two of them, both Bf 109 Fs for book No 15. I´m stil baffled finding new interesting profiles subjects out there, and especailly machines flown by know Experten pilots, like a new 109 F-2 flown by Oblt. Heinz Lange and the profile pubished on my website today, the machine of Lt. Emil Omert, a Bf 109 F-4Z. The two profile made results that up to now I have made a total of 126 profiles for this book, that is to say I have only four more to make to fill the book. 27 November, three more profile was made made during the week, all of them Messerschmitts, one Me 262, One Bf 109 G-10 and then the Bf 109 K-4 flown by Oberfänrich Horst Potreck, published today on my website. That is to say, after counting all my profiles for my upcoming books No 13 and 15 that I would have 260 new profiles to publish, enough profile material to fill both books! 4 December, six more profiles was made for the book including the first daft book cover. I simply have to delete some of the profiles and ended up with the need for those additional profiles. 11 December, This week's most important work has been to decide which profiles should be included in profile book No. 13. Based on the 260 profiles I made for books 13 and 15, some relocations have been made, so that aircraft types, pilots and various units are now evenly distributed between the books. Unfortunately, I noticed that some duplicates and old fighters had crept in, which meant that I had five more profiles to do to reach the total of 260 profiles. One of the newly made profiles was the machine, an Fw 190 A-8 flown by Uffz. Ernst Schröder. In all Book No 13 would include: 21 Bf 109 Es, 29 Bf 109 Fs, 33 Bf 108 Gs, 5 Bf 109 Ks, 3 Me 163s, 4 Me 262s, one He 162, one Mc 205, 23 Fw 190 As, 8 Fw 190 Ds, one Ta 152 and finally one P-51 Mustang. 13 August, By making 21 new and updated profiles during the week, non of them previously published, I have now made 260 new profiles for profile book No 15 and 16. That is to say now I have to do the selection process and pick the profiles for each book. Thereafter I will start to write the profile captions for profile book No 15. Personally I´m amazed to have found so many new and interesting profile subjects, many of the planse found was flown by known pilots and Experten. 16 August 2023, by now I have made the selection process decide what 130 profiles should be included in this my 20th Profile book. 10 September 2023, As you know profile book No 15 and 16 is also in the pipeline, however due to really bad times here in the western Europe, sales has gone down at the same time producing the books is now much more expensive, so I will put them both on hold, waiting for the war in Europe to be over and that we over here are getting back to more normal times. 10 March 2024, Im currently working "Flat out" with this, my next volume to be published. During the week I have finished off the first 20 captions for the book. Note that this book is now renamed to Profile Book No 14, scedule to be published in June 2024. 27 May, the book is finally printed, due to be publish on 18 June! Please pre-order this book! 18 June, Finally, today I got the book deliverd from the printer. And by now I have manage to ship out more than half of the pre-ordered books to waiting customers around the world. |
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